Pop Up Shop
The Wellington Churches are in action from Monday 27th to Saturday 31st March at the Pop Up Shop in Mantle Street – Please come along and have a look at all that is going on. During the week there will be talks from a number of the stall holders to inform and encourage.You can also …
You are invited…
Join us for this special event… we’d love someone from every fellowship in town to be represented ?
Powerful Play
A true story of resilience, espionage and faith from the heat of the persecuted church. This gritty, immersive story will make everyone think about the world outside of our comfortable lives. Please note, he subject matter of this play makes it unsuitable for children aged 12 years and under. Venue: Wellington Arts Centre. Date: 14th …
Donate to Ukraine?
The Methodist Church is now a collection point for donations for the Ukraine. The list of items required are in the pic. Contact is Pete Roberts on email [Click Here] please get in touch to find out when donations can be made or arrange collection.
Pray for the persecuted
Sunday the 7th November has been assigned as the ‘International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church’. If you would like to join us in praying for our brothers & sisters in Christ from around the world, here are some of the websites that will give insight and direction for our prayers. Release International: https://releaseinternational.org/Open …
Update Meeting
Good News for Everyone invites you to join them to hear Rick Hillard along with testimony & encouragement with all that is going on in our region.
Funday 2021 !
It is with great joy that we can confirm that the Howard Fun Day is going full steam ahead in 2021… this year as a huge family picnic! There will be free BBQ and drinks for all the community – and we are honoured to serve them as the Church of Wellington… If you are …
TEAR Fund : Emergency Appeal
TEAR Fund have identified some very challenging issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They are a really good organisation who ensure the help gets right to the heart of the real needs… if you are able to help in some way, please click the logo link below: