Showing 26 Result(s)

St John’s is opening every day from 10.00-15.00 with both their own book of condolence and the town book from the council. Flowers to be laid down the path and an opportunity for prayer on the hour every hour with a short reflective service at 12.00 each day (10 mins).  On Sunday 18th there will …

Powerful Play

A true story of resilience, espionage and faith from the heat of the persecuted church. This gritty, immersive story will make everyone think about the world outside of our comfortable lives. Please note, he subject matter of this play makes it unsuitable for children aged 12 years and under. Venue: Wellington Arts Centre. Date: 14th …

Donate to Ukraine?

The Methodist Church is now a collection point for donations for the Ukraine. The list of items required are in the pic. Contact is Pete Roberts on email [Click Here] please get in touch to find out when donations can be made or arrange collection.

Repair Cafe is Back

As Churches Together we totally support the values of the Repair Cafe – making sure that things are not wasted! If something can be repaired and reused this is so much better recycled and even binned. Come along to the Baptist Church – even if you have nothing to repair – and see what is …

Come to the AGM… online

You are invited to our AGM on Tuesday 25th January at 7:30 pm. We will be electing the officers to represent the churches and then sharing some of the highlights of the past year. We also hope to include a guest speaker to encourage us looking forward into 2022. We hope you can join us. …

Update Meeting

Good News for Everyone invites you to join them to hear Rick Hillard along with testimony & encouragement with all that is going on in our region.

Funday 2021 !

It is with great joy that we can confirm that the Howard Fun Day is going full steam ahead in 2021… this year as a huge family picnic! There will be free BBQ and drinks for all the community – and we are honoured to serve them as the Church of Wellington… If you are …